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Hassell Inclusion: A Golden Opportunity – Are you serving the needs of older online customers?



In all the years we’ve worked in digital accessibility, the needs of older people have rarely been considered a priority.

Given the rate that our populations are ageing, how we are working longer, and the fact that over-70s are the UK’s most online adults after twentysomethings, with considerable spending power, we’ve long been mystified by this omission.

So in late 2023 we conducted research into the digital preferences, needs and online activities of 1,296 over-65s in the UK.

This report details our findings, shining a light on the needs of older consumers in the digital environment. How easy do they find using websites and apps? What goods do they buy, and which services do they engage with online? 

It provides actionable insights to help organisations better engage with this sizeable demographic, and convert them into loyal, satisfied customers.

Download the Report